Sunday, April 1, 2012

Six Sentence Sunday 4/1/12

In honor of Opening Day for Major League Baseball, here's a game snippet from Inside Heat.
 Imagine - Jeff Holder is on the mound - his twin brother Jason is behind the plate.

When he had it right, he focused on the image of the exact spot he wanted the pitch to go, knowing Jason’s glove would be there at the exact moment the ball arrived.
Jeff squared his shoulders, filled his lungs, brought his left knee to his chest, and threw six feet and two hundred pounds of hard muscle into the pitch. His pent up breath burst from his lips as his left foot connected with the ground. Pain traveled in a lightning bolt from his foot to the top of his head, making a pit stop in the shock absorbing knee joint a fourth of the way up. Instinct told him he’d thrown the pitch as perfectly as he’d envisioned, and with a little luck from the gods, and maybe a little diamond dust, McCree would swing and miss. It would be worth the pain in his knee to see that.

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